Venus-Uranus aspects


What does the aspect between Venus and Uranus mean?

The planet Venus in aspect with Uranus shows to be important in the charts of singers. In the article about marriage Venus afflicted by Uranus is mentioned also. This aspect is one of the indications for divorces in the natal charts of women. Talent for singing, sense of rhythm: they belong to Venus and Uranus. Just like suddenly falling in love and the desire to be free. And…like the shocking discovery of the ‘other woman’ in your husbands’ life. Why? Because Uranus is the planet of the unexpected and ‘too soon’. Marrying too soon, for example, by impulse. Could that be the reason for divorce later? Uranus accelerates Venus = love.

Singers often have a Venus-Neptune and/or Venus-Uranus aspect in their natal charts. Some examples of singers with Uranus in aspect with Venus are: Diana Ross, Rod Stewart, Elton John and Esmee Denters.

Esmée Denters was born in Holland on September 28, 1988. On that day the position of Venus was similar to those of other ‘diva’s’ and singers whose charts I studied. She has Venus in Sagittarius, trine Uranus and sesquisquare Neptune. Venus is rising before the Sun…Esmee is a perfect example of how Venus – Uranus works….

Examples of broken relations (and/or ‘the other female’) are:

1.    J.K. Rowling (Venus conjunct Uranus, divorced, born July 31, 1965 in Chipping Sodburry)

2.    Cindy Sheehan (Venus conjunct Uranus, divorced, born 10th of July 1957 13h40 in Inglewood)

3.    Princess Soraya (Venus widely square Uranus and Venus semi square the midpoint Sun/Uranus. She divorced because she could not produce children in the marriage with the Shah of Persia. She was born 22nd of June 1932 at 9h45 GMT in Ishafan)

4.    Jane Mansfield (Venus conjunct Uranus, divorced, born 19th of April 1933, 09h11m EST Bryn Mawr PA)

5.    Kim Novak (Venus semi-square Sun/Uranus, divorced, born 13021933 061300 CST Chicago)

6.    Diana Ross (Venus square Uranus, divorced and singing, born 23rd of March 1944 22h46 EST in Detroit)

7.    Cher (Venus conjunct Uranus, divorced and singing born 20th May 1946 at 7h25 PST El Centro CA)

8.    Liz Taylor, (Venus conjunct Uranus, 27021932 020000 GMT London)

Artist and people who go their own way in love may have Venus-Uranus aspects or Venus/Uranus midpoints in their charts. The aspect involves sense of rythm and speedily falling in love.

If in your progressed chart Venus is in aspect with Uranus: beware! It might be a butterfly crossing your path. On the other hand this aspect can indicate a new way of making fun. I got Progressed Venus conjunct progressed Uranus. I decided to celebrate carnival for the first time then. And I enjoyed it! So these aspects needs not be the signal for a divorce…It can be an indication for a Venus in Gemini, for example, to start dancing (in pairs, of courseJ).